The Structural Engineering Laboratory was invested and put into operation in
8/2004 to provide a prestigious facility for teaching and studying into engineering structures of
both undergraduate and graduate levels. In particular, the laboratory also supports operations of experimental scientific research, production
and technology transfer in order to meet urgent demands in the fields of
inspection, quality assessment of structural member as well as whole structure.
laboratory, a steel building covering an area of 16m by 48m, has a 5-ton traveling
crane and a set of equipment for testing bending members (beam, truss, slab)
- a testing bay (or
frame?) with a clear span of 12m
- a
50-ton servo hydraulic actuator
- six LVDTs
- a
portable data logger with 30 channels for obtaining signals of loading, strain
and displacement.
A testing bay with a clear
span of 12 m
portable data logger with 30 channels for obtaining signals of loading, strain
and displacement with a 50-ton servo hydraulic actuator
- Person in Charge:
PhD. Tran
Tuan Kiet
Deparment of Structural
Egineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering
HCMC University of Techonology & Education, No.1 VoVanNgan
Street, ThuDuc District, HoChiMinh
- Support Staff:
Msc.PhD Candidate.
Bui Pham Duc Tuong
Deparment of
Construction Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering
HCMC University of Techonology & Education, No.1 VoVanNgan
Street, ThuDuc District,
HoChiMinh City.